Join a movement of love and conscience

Allow love and conscience to guide our daily decisions in private and public life to transform society by transforming ourselves.

About the movement

We choose to rely on life’s transforming power, resist violence and create peaceful cultures in our homes, communities and societies.

creating cultures of peace

We practice with partners or small groups of 3-6 people who attend training and then apply, change, adapt and share insights and practices.

The smallest acts may prove the most difficult in practice yet the most powerful in effect.

  • Slow down to respect simple ideas and practices.
  • Make both tiny and huge changes for love and conscience’ sake.
  • Do what is needed, not just what comes readily or easily.
  • Stay teachable. Let go of old ways and open to seeing anew.

As we learn and change, we may experience dissonance between the old and the new. But too much dissonance may cause distress. If you start feeling distracted, sleepy, irritated, cynical or disconnected:

  • Take a break, then return to the practice.
  • Open to and trust reality over image or desire.
  • Notice what is regenerative or degenerative.
  • Explore the sources of distraction, learn from them, let them go, then come back to the practice.
  • Experiment in daily life with confidence, conviction and curiosity.

Love and conscience grow as you pay attention to them, so be observant, persistent and patient with yourself and others in the practice.

Healthy adults learn self-control and restraint, but need the inner fool, trickster or child to open to the slow, simple, transforming truths gained through spirals of stopping, opening, releasing, receiving, experimenting, reflecting, recording and expressing.

Our private and public lives transform as we welcome change as a natural, normal part of being alive.

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Thousands of people in the U.S. and Asia created peaceful, nonviolent communities shifting from despair, revenge and hatred to enthusiasm, confidence and genuine love for themselves and others.


These tools work across diverse cultures, languages and religions to free people to creatively respond to human challenges and needs that have no universal solution, forming peaceful cultures. We witness astonishing transformations from violent, destructive communities into peaceful, productive ones.


These practices function as an interdependent ecology that form self-referential cycles: transformed individuals transform communities that transform societies that in return transform individuals. Such ecological systems, using their outputs as inputs, are regenerative.


We build on knowledge from many generations to support future generations: Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), Re-evaluation Counseling (RC), civil rights and peace movements, Quaker practice, and new knowledge about trauma and breaking cycles of oppression. We understand the effective sequencing of practices for peace and nonviolence.

Understanding us as a people

Across Asia, West Pacific and Eastern Europe, peace workers collaborate through Friends Peace Teams-AWP. Conscience Studio documents and disseminates materials we find necessary for preserving peace.

Being human is who we are…

Nadine Clare Hoover, founder of Conscience Studio and Friends Peace Teams in Asia West Pacific, lives as a world citizen collaborating with many people across generations to document these materials.

A graduate of Friends World College, she lived on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, and then in Japan, South Korea and Indonesia researching the effects of economic world systems on social formation. She earned a PhD in International Development from Florida State University and began consulting in educational development.

Nadine served as Secretary of Southeastern Yearly Meeting (Quakers) and Manager of Friends General Conference Bookstore, before returning to New York to  work for peace. Nadine has a bold, vital faith in the power of the Living Spirit to allow love and conscience to guide our private and public lives to preserve the peace that is already naturally present.

Get started now

Join this experiential learning through activities, practice and reflection, affirming the goodness and capability of each person, understanding every person’s journey is different. We participate voluntarily, as teachers and learners, to change ourselves and society. Register for in-person introductory workshops or online training for facilitators.

Personal Transformation

any Donation up to $250

Social Transformation

any Donation up to $250

The Power of Goodness

any Donation up to $250
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